My indoor Plants…
A Guide To…
I bought some indoor plants…
Specifically, two Fiddle Leaf Figs, two Burgundy Rubber plants, two small Banyan’s, a Lucky Bamboo plant, and two Monstera Deliciosa’s.

Werribee South Beach…
A Guide To…
Werribee South Beach. Wow at the colour contrast effect after a storm! Does anyone know what causes this effect? I was thinking its too orange for mud…

Red Cliffs Lookout…
A Guide To…
Rising straight up and towering over the banks of the Werribee River, the Red Cliffs in Werribee South are simply beautiful to look at and a must see if you are in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne…

Fried Yeast Donuts…
A guide to …
This is my fried donut recipe, its not as good as the authentic Cook Island ones, but my family and recipients seem to like them…

Making a music app…
A Guide To…
We recently completed a long running project which involved a very limited client budget and a 'learn as you go' approach…

Paddys River Falls…
A Guide To…
Paddy's River Falls is a cascade waterfall situated around 15 km south from the town of Tumbarumba in NSW…

Making Coconut bread…
A Guide To…
Making Coconut Bread
This is an Island style recipe with yeast, as opposed to a ‘Banana Bread’ which we have here in Australia. Its more of a cake than an actual bread. The bread recipe I use is Vegan friendly and you can top with dairy free butters and your fave toppings when its ready to eat!